Task: to develop design for a furniture manufacturer.

I conducted competitor analysis, interviews with the target audience, and gathered Customer Journey Maps (CJM), the results of which I will gladly demonstrate.
About the project
The competitors were studied, and the main trends in design and product positioning were identified. However, one unique feature was found that is not present in the others, which will be implemented in our project.
Made the customer journey visual to not overlook details in the further design process.
The interview revealed that website visitors will be divided into 2 categories: private clients and interior designers. It also helped validate hypotheses that I will consider in the design.
Аналитик данных
Worked on all future pages. Started with sketches on paper to define the overall concept, then created a low-fidelity prototype.
The main idea, based on research, became the product page, where there is an option to change configurations, colors, materials of the product, and see these changes in the photo.
Addresses the issue of returns, involves sales managers in the selection and customization of the product specifically for the customer.
Final design
On the website, there is an option for customization for each item; however, there are also pre-made furniture pieces that can be easily sorted and filtered for display.
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